Two emerging comedians, Uche Divine also known as Funny Itch, and Confidence Tamunosusu better referred to as Chaka Chaka has gotten the sum of 500,000 naira each from long time stand-up comedian, actor and broadcaster, Acapella. Funny Itch and Chaka Chaka was declared winners after an extensive competition that saw ten other brave and funny comedians battle for fame and the grand prize of half a million naira.
The widely publicized competition which held in Lagos at the Terra Culture Event Center witnessed a massive turned out as the hall was filled with excited fans and well-wishers of the contestants. Acapella keeping to his promise by gifting the two young stars the cash prize urged them to be of good ambassadors, while avoiding situations that can slow or pull their career down.
The reality show which was put together by the star comedian, was to help to help discover and empower up and coming Stand-Up comedians, give them a platform to sell their crafts and be the next celebrity comedian, Acepella Naija Heirs of Comedy is an initiative that is poised to encourage creativity and originality from new Stand-Up comics.
Although, there were over a hundred entries, only ten comedians made it, the ten was then selected to perform before a live audience who determined the winners with their votes. The host comedian, Acapella was not only present to witness the event, he was there to lift the spirit of all the contestants and also ensure the best gets the winnings, and he also entertained the audience by the side.
Speaking to reporters after the event, Acapella while expressing to the media and everyone that participated in the success of the competition said, those who didn’t had the chance to be a part should be hopeful as the show continues next year, he also said contestants who lost out are free to come try again adding that the Acapella Naija Heirs of Comedy is an annual event that has come to stay.
“I am super excited at the level of success we recorded here today, to be honest, I wasn’t expect this huge turn-out, as you can see, it was shut down, the contestants were not only motivated, they were elated and had the golden chance of expressing themselves through their talents. And that is what we are here to achieve, look out for these fresh talents and give them the desire platform to shine”
“I want to say thank you to the media, participants and contestants, including everyone that made this show a success. A huge thanks to team, you guys are awesome, once again, congratulation to the two winners, Funny Itch and Chaka Chaka, go into your industry and dominate, to the other contestants, consider yourself a winner, getting the opportunity to be on that stage is all you need to break free, so don’t lose hope, you all are talented, let’s do it again in 2023. Thank You” He appreciated.