Few days ago, Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh shared photos of herself while announcing that she has been made an ambassador of Peace by Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC).
After the revelation, she got lots of congratulatory messages from her fans, while some was praising her, she got bashed by some.
Just few hours after that the said president of the organization NCPC came out to rubbish the actress claim of being an ambassador with them. Mr Yakubu who is the president said she only came to pay friendly visit to the commission and nothing more.
However, Tonto has replied NCPC, she claimed there are videos evidence to her claims as being made an ambassador of Peace with NCPC.
Tonto Dikeh took to her official Instagram account again to reply NCPC. She wrote
” I can never lie on any human, talk more of a commissioner of the federation. There are video proofs but i will respect the commissioner decision and take the fall .
Meanwhile, she has deleted all her post regarding the said ambassadorial deal with NCPC