The Albanian national from Guidonia, a town on the outskirts of Rome had spent several months under house arrest for drug crimes, and still had several years left to finish serving his sentence, according to a report attributed to the AFP
He walked to the Tenenza Carabinieri police barracks in Guidonia on October 23 to beg them to jail him because he could not continue the house arrest in the same house as his wife.
“Arrest me, I can’t stand being at home with my wife anymore, I prefer prison,” the young man told the police.
According to him, his wife was so troublesome that they have always been quarrelling, a situation that made the prison more preferable to his own home.
Captain Francesco Giacomo Ferrante of the Tivoli Carabinieri is quoted as saying: “He lived at home with his wife and family. It wasn’t going well anymore. He said, ‘Listen, my domestic life has become hell, I can’t do it anymore, I want to go to jail.’”
Following the man’s plea, the carabinieri reportedly informed the judicial authority and transferred him to prison for breaking the terms of his house arrest.