Recently convicted Nollywood actor, Olanrewaju James aka Baba Ijesha, has cried out over his alleged deteriorating health from his hospital bed in prison.
The 49-year-old thespian, who was convicted of rape in July, 2022 said since his incarceration he has been battling a serious and deadly ailment which has deteriorated his health.
In a video making the round online, Baba Ijesha claimed that he doesn’t sleep or eat well anymore and appealed to Nigerians to come to his aid.
According to him, “I am battling a very serious and deadly ailment here in prison which is deteriorating my health. Please I need help. I don’t sleep or eat well anymore. I don’t want to die here. I am suffering for what I know nothing about. The Almighty God will judge Princess for lying against me that I used to deflower her daughter.”